Ninjas And Guns - Game Over - You guys got defeated by wolves with water pistols


Someone host a competive ITA game tbh

So rewind time back to when FE:F is starting?

Eh, maybe just vanilla citizens with ITA’s

Maybe add in a town booster, who boost ITA for someone and a mafia booster?

Or a town ITA healer and a mafia booster

No competetive game has rng


if I shifted the wagon to scunreads it would’ve gotten you or PKR lynched

I should stol being in too many games, it spreads my focus too thi

Same, I have a habit of joining every game I see and I shouldn’t tbh.

It’s just they all look super fun

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I became more fluffy and less focused with 5 games I’m in right now

so I’m gonna lower my limit to 1 or 2 for now

It’s far better to potentially mislynch than to get your self mislynched, tbh.

I know litten

I really may just stick to the more fun games and not competive. I enjoy the flavor games compared to competive more

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I mean I thought I was showing as town because I didn’t care about getting lynched

oh yeah speaking of that who plays smash

Except that town shouldn’t care about their own appearance but they must fight to make sure they’re not mislynched…


I guess

It was the worst season for me, being in 5 games at once

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