Ninjas And Guns - Game Over - You guys got defeated by wolves with water pistols

also ici reskinning the mafia into werewolves literally doesn’t make sense here
why would a wolf use a gun

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And Ici isnt even American… :eyes:

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They are sneaky.

how dare you insinuate that wolves have a weapon ban


I’ve found half of the wolfteam already. :wink:


@Wolfy come join your wolfpack :eyes:

Uh no no you don’t see nothing

-quickly wipe off leftovers of hair on sleeve-

Ici you put me in a tough spot. I think I would be able to do the post count. Hmm one hand post count other hand Ici game. I think Ici game takes the cake.



So can people who are Town that are being suspected purposely get themselves modkilled? /Join

don’t forget @PokemonKidRyan

now that is a true wolfpack

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No, you keep forgetting that a modkill means you lose

Meaning only an idiot would do that

Also you risk getting yourself blacklisted for cheating

Oh, that’s fair then.

/in boi

I just realized I won’t have time for this


/out sorry im done with these type of mafia games