Ninjas And Guns - Game Over - You guys got defeated by wolves with water pistols


Sorry, I have IRL issues to deal with first.

okay, that’s fine
this probably isn’t filling for a while anyway


Hello there- you appear to be new to the wild world of forum matches. Welcome, and we hope you have fun.

Make sure to read up on some of the terms and techniques we use; it’s rather essential to do so.

Eg, use proper terminology

Wolf/wolves= Terms used by Icibalus, everyone is confused to it’s meaning including Ici himself
lolreactiontest= I trolled you but it’s all in the spirit of the game so I get off scot-free

wolf/wolves is synonymous with scum and village/villa is synonymous with town


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Can I start calling town mansion or penthouse and see what happens?

“This isn’t a penthouse mindset, and in fact I think it shows apartment motivation”



I’m ready to join this :wink:

Oooh wait! We can has real estate forum mafia!


Why is there 2 slashes in the title?

I will join only if you reflavor werewolfs to mafia.

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It’s ToL forum, not mafia unvierse, Ici.

i’m this game’s host and I can have the theme be whatever I want. it dosen’t actually change anything y’know

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What if it changes my will to play this game? :^)

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you’re already /in

we are not doing hippo #2 again

we still remember you hippo

Go back to bed Mr Wolf, it’s not time for u to wake up yet

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/back up

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you’re /outing to become a backup?
well this probably isn’t filling lol

Pretty sure It was a joke?