Ninjas And Guns - Game Over - You guys got defeated by wolves with water pistols

Oh yeh… I am already in it… I guess I just wanted to join again

Honestly lol fine lets /in for le Ici sake :3

Guys let’s swarm this

/in back


@PoisonedSquid @bazingaboy @Marcus_Doodalee ?

/in some fucking ninja put a gun to my head and forced me to join plz help I am fearing for my life. Also he smells like a bagel








K 4 people join I need to play a game cause I’m bored

how does matrix work

RNG where it decides a row or Column is the PR’s

Can we just rebel against Ici and force him to can the game? The game auto cans after 14 days

Sam why though, people want to play this game.

No, but we can insist to blacklist you from any games for attempting to influence on host decisions. :wink:



Nothing about the game, it’s just everything is personal. Ici was promoted to mod so we must balance out the good and the bad to make it equilibrium any spikes in ici’s dopamine (happiness) level may hurt the forum and destroy the site

/in like flynn

:thinking: I thought Ici never got a hit of dopamine in his life which is why he perm speaks werewolf

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Sorry I’m pretty much using this thread as a roast Ici thread, will vc bot if you wish