Ninjas And Guns - Game Over - You guys got defeated by wolves with water pistols

Didn’t earlier we hit 10/9 votes on Maxi

10/9 total votes, but people unvoted so just because 10 people may have voted him, they wouldn’t have all voted him at once

Short note: There are no trials in FM, if majority is reached on someone they are lynched


Why are you pinging marl?

@Emilia @Emilia @Emilia

@Sam17z @Sam17z @Sam17z @Sam17z

Oh sorry I thought we were starting a ping train :^)

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I want him to stop this

/vote Wolfy

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Voted Voters Number of Votes
Marluxion Margaret, hjasik 2/9
Maxi Wolfy, Alice, Max, Nozbugz, FK, SweetyCake, WazzaAzza 7/9
Sam17z Insanitu 1/9
Nosebugz Livicus 1/9
Wolfy Sam17z, MaximusPrime, Marluxion 3/9

Move out sheep squad

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/vote wolfy

/vote hjasik

its time for great purge

You had shown minimal interest in lynching Wolfy

but the moment Marl comes on you sheep him?

I was open for lynching wolfy FK or alice


I only saw you putting susp on Litten and Sarun

other ppl wouldnt vote with me so I didnt try but if Marl supports it just might happen

so just because Marl votes him means Marl is right?

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My boy Joseph Stalin. (Not really my boy)

Stalin should be put in a gulag for his sins

cuz I know ppl wont follow me on my vote