Ninjas And Guns - Game Over - You guys got defeated by wolves with water pistols

Go on steam

I think Maxi vs Alice is Town vs Scum right now.

thats right and alice is the scum one

Not home yet

Still at school

Parents are late picking me up

You’ve been off steam for 24 hours is that even possible??? :stuck_out_tongue:

:eyes: shush no one can know!

I still think Maxi is Town.

And if I need to vote either Wolfy or Maxi.

I will /vote Wolfy.

Voted Voters Number of Votes
Marluxion Margaret 1/9
Maxi Wolfy, Alice, Nozbugz, FK, SweetyCake, WazzaAzza, Marluxion 7/9
Hjasik Livicus 1/9
Wolfy Sam17z, MaximusPrime, Hjasik, Luxy, Insanitu 5/9


I say


/vote Maximus

Celeste you didn’t hammer you made it to


/vote Maximus

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I always do stuff with purpose

@Icibalus @Marcus_Doodalee flip em

Okay, here’s a list of people we should vote imho, Wazza earlier shown literally no town motivation. They tried to end day earlier, didn’t care about it and if anything is probably my most confident read due to this.

I feel like Alice went for a bit of an easy push on me, especially since I hadn’t really defended anyone, I just stated that info lynch is better than a policy lynch and at the time I had said it. I even said Maxi lynch was better than Insanity lynch at that time and it was 23 hours ago

Maxi furthermore was incredibly pushy on Wolf which I haven’t seen town!Maxi do. With added LAMIST, it’s even worse.

I’m gonna hammer Maxi but not yet. We have discussion time left
P-Edit: Nevermind then! >_> My timing is impeccable! I didn’t know he was hammered since I was ISO diving him

maxi is already hammered


and he will flip town

Quoth Steve Urkel;

“Did I do thaaat?”

cuz margaret memed this

why you do this boi?