Ninjas And Guns - Game Over - You guys got defeated by wolves with water pistols

Reposting this.

We have to be in Colmn D…

This is what I am thinking due to no one claiming occupied because I think you’re told if you were occupied by JK

I don’t think you are, they don’t occupy you at the start of the night like other Jailors would.

You’re presuming there’s a Wolf Ninja JOAT then, am I right?

You would still be told if you were occupied even if it is at the end

We have a high chance of having a 1-shot Wolf Vigilante.

Since we had 2 deaths then it’s kind of guaranteed at this point.

its either jailor or ninja but it doesnt matter since only town PR is IC right now

Unless Luxy yolo vig’d Marl, but I’d say that’s unlikely.

Also killing marl was weird as he wasn’t doing a lot.

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I’m gonna assume we are in D and have a Wolf 1-Shot Vigilante and a Wolf Ninja JOAT

I can’t ISO for the life of me but I’ll read back and see

Then do it.

Two deaths per night is not a good thing.

Killing Marl isn’t weird

It’s principle

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Wolf vig only has one shot.

/vote HJ

I think they just slipped up

Not really, marl doesn’t do early game. You kill him later game.

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How exactly did this slip?

I’m not gonna assume they slipped up because I really don’t trust Livicus