Ninjas And Guns - Game Over - You guys got defeated by wolves with water pistols

Hard to tell. If the odds are in scum’s favour (which currently I would wager that they are) then FK would have no problem in bussing their teammates.

At the same time, I also feel that I could have been today’s easy mislynch and yet FK didn’t push on that either, which is also something they would do and have done in the past. So for now I’m townreading them.

So you are saying since fire didn’t buss their teammate they are Town?

I’m saying that FK would have had every capability of wordsmithing their way into leading a mislynch on me but it didn’t happen. That’s why I’m saying they’re town.

I know what you’re going for and I won’t let your trap cause a mislynch either.

Can’t fire just be pocketing you then?

What’s the situation we’re in right now? 8/4?

I mean it’s possible, but it would have been much more beneficial for FK, as a wolf, to push a mislynch on me, a successful kill tomorrow (which is guaranteed since there’s no role capable of preventing one) would make it 6/4, FK clears the air and/or uses wolf numbers to push another mislynch, and that’d be game.

Also who do you have as your scumteam as of today?

Everybody knows it’s possible, but what is your opinion on in? I want you to take a stance. Is firekitten pocketing you or is he just Town?

I believe they’re just town, for the reason I stated in the post you just replied to.

/vote firekitten

Eh, you go your way, I’ll go mine.

/vote hjasik

Both your ways are wrong. IMO voting pkr is the best course or action today and we go from there.

Then why don’t you do so?

I did

Oh wait that was another game

/Vote PKR

IMO pkr is better then both of those lynches.

I reckon that if hjasik flips scum, which I think is likely unless they reveal as IC beforehand, then that incriminates Sweety as well for the reason I’ve stated beforehand, as well as denoting the existence of a NinJOAT (for what that’s worth).

On a scale of 1 - 100 how confident are you in your firekitten read?

1 being the least 100 being the most

I’d say about an 79-84?

Give me a specific number

Let’s go with an 82 then.

How confident are you that FK flips scum?

Also you’ve not answered my scumteam question.