Ninjas And Guns - Game Over - You guys got defeated by wolves with water pistols

Blue/Insanity/Sam/PKR scum team
EZ :clap:

Well, Alice did say you could afford one mislynch… :man_shrugging:

See my point on Cake. I’m sure it’s Cake over Sam17z in this case.

Plurality is just if someone is hammered eod regardless of if majority is reached

Hard lynch is if majority is reached on a person day immediately ends.

Are you thinking hard lynch and no trials?

There are no trials here?

This match goes with plurality. There are no trials and if nobody hits majority by the EoD then the player with the most votes on them will automatically be lynched.

But if majority is reached then insta hammer yeah?


Correct. It’s majority or plurality.

Ugh I hate different terms across sites.

It’s why I’m not hammering since as long as PKR has the most votes he’ll be lynched either way.

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Anyone hammering will be viewed as a scum claim when I haven’t caught up yet.

I think Sam’s reasoning behind hard defending Maxi D1 was because he knew he was going to be town when he flipped so he wasn’t taking that much of a risk. The only thing that could go wrong which is people pointing out what he did which I think FK did. Will check back if he FK did or someone else

sht I wanted to hammer

So Margaret is town.

What is the time table for the day btw?

About 18 hours left

Roommate was in a fender bender probably won’t be able to read tonight until super late if at all sorry!

Someone who doesn’t know how to drive in the rain rear ended him

oof, fucking amercian drivers amirite