Ninjas And Guns - Game Over - You guys got defeated by wolves with water pistols

Texting and driving my dudes

I’m not doing my typical overly focus on reads for a simple reason… You guys need to learn you cannot overly rely on Meta. People’s styles change and thus we have to adapt to make them better suited on a game by game basis.
This is a simple lesson and the only reason I chose this game is, you don’t really lose anything important, it’s not like I’m a power role or anything that can do literally anything but vote.
Also, I probably joined too many games ngl but I didn’t wannt give up so I’ve been reading and not posting every time

fucking, reads. It ain’t that hard

I can make some very basic ones if y’all want

something is better than nothing

10 -
9 -
8 - FK, Sam
7 - Noz, Blue, Hjasik
6 - HTM
5 - Sweety, Marg
4 - Insanit
3 - Wazza
2 - Alice
1 -

10 = Top town.
1 = Scum. Biggest scum

If you’ve been reading why would you have to make reads?

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As I’ve read but not posted reads and people wanted me to post them

and can you explain why you have these reads?

Got home btw turns out that was the reason traffic was slow. Roommate is fine. Eating dinner and gonna see what I can catch up on tonight.

Yes and like I am missing from your reads lol XD

Insurance billls! Also did you get a police report?

You are Htm btw

Lol roommate wasn’t actually hit that’s what I am saying they are a horrible explainer

They were stating the reason for horrible traffic. Not that they were in it and freaked me out

Hence why I am posting and not with them

I am aware but I was pointing out PKR’s reads didn’t say me. That means they are old and preplanned. This is scum and a bad bus.

Interesting that Insanity is now your third highest scumread despite being completely off your radar earlier and that you even tried to defend him earlier.

We’re dealing with a PKR/Cake/Blue/Insanity scumteam here. Change my mind.

Interesting. What puts Wazza so high on your scum list?

Nah. We can do PKR for now. I am useless having not caught up. No real reason to rush when I have time to catch up tomorrow

Mhm. That’s just the order of confidence on my reads, actually. PKR and Cake are lock scum for me at this point. Blue’s progression on PKR is just artificial as hell, while I’m quite sure that this read list was PKR distancing himself from Insanity.

I’ll have to ISO what few posts Insanity has made, honestly I forgot they were even part of the game.