Ninjas And Guns - Game Over - You guys got defeated by wolves with water pistols

I am thinking PKR needs rope. Leaning that way. However if Alice is town you are scum for feedback looping instead of providing reasons why you think so.

Time for another thirds check
Wolfy Alice Max
FK Cake WazzaAzza

Interesting. I find it odd Alice’s vote like never really moves. I don’t like that other third ewww it’s practically inactive and FK
Leaning Noz Alice PKR

That VC makes Kitten look really town

Why does Alice never mention Maxi town? It’s like all her reads are meant to be wifom useless.

She yet has been proven wrong twice and a majority of her reads remain the same?!?!?!?!?!

/vote Alice

Fight me.

By this post alone sooooo many people are cleared if Alice flips wolf. If she flips town then Insanity and PKR are scum. Like hot daaaaaaaamn

This is not supported at all

Calculus is more important than mafia you heathen!

Jk I am just happy someone is in advanced math

Interesting in deed.

Sam Noz hella likely here scum on this wagon left off here I am falling asleep

Whyyyyy are there so many posts hereee

I just come back and see Mathblade make a monologue

I was catching up. What do you think about it?

Mostly from reassessing his motivations and Maxi’s flip. Let me ask you a question, why would scum defend a towny so damn hard like this? Pocketing Maxi would have been useless as he was going to be the d1 lynch regardless while this act essentially brought far too much attention to Sam17z. There’s no reason why scum would pull this act and bring on so much attention to themselves while accomplishing nothing to their own agenda.

See above, his extreme defense of Maxi was bad, but after he insisted on doing it after we told him to back off made me reassess my reads and I don’t exactly believe that scum would have been so brazen to keep at it after everyone told him to back off.

d1 was a TvT wagon between Maxi and Wolfy. Had this been a single wagon with no counterwagons then I’d agree, but we also had a counterwagon on another townie then.

See above, after he went into TWTBAW territory I don’t think he’s scum anymore as there would have been no reason for him to act like that.

That read was going on the assumption that Maxi was scum, and for Insanity to start a counterwagon when we had a scum in our sights struck out to me like a sore thumb. My vote remained on Maxi as I saw him more likely to flip scum in this case and his flip would have provided far more information.

Much of it hinged on Maxi flipping scum, since he was just a poorly playing townie then much of my d1 reads were relatively off.

For this site’s meta, it is. Scum here often just jump to the defense of town players for no reason in order to pocket them and gain towncred. Sam just leaping into Maxi’s defense struck me like this, but since he kept defending Maxi right until the end as people kept throwing shade for him then this looks to be a town-motivated action rather than a scum-motivated one.

Aside from the fact that you can’t get as strong reads on a mislynch wagon, I was mostly confident of Maxi flipping scum.

As I said before, town flips don’t provide reads as strong as scum flips. Plus, this is when I re-evaluated my read and decided that Sam may have been town either way.

Let me ask you a question. Do you seriously believe that scum would have kept up Sam17z’s act like that even though that everyone here told him to cut that out and that it was making him look suspicious as hell? Of course not. This is why my view from Sam17z swapped from scum defending their scumbuddy/pocketing a townie to a villager who seriously believes that Maxi was town.

Town flips don’t provide as much information as scum flips, plus I genuinely thought he was a wolf jailkeeper that slipped as he chainsawed the damn PR that CC’d him.

Maxi didn’t outright claim, his post had the feelings of a genuine slip in this case.

Because he is. PKR went from defending Insanity to listing him as his third highest scumread for no reason at all. The distancing here is blatant.

Maxi. Fucking. Chainsawed. The. PR. That. He. Claimed. He. Was. Trying. To. Cover. For. He was lockscum to me when he pulled that shit.

They’ve been changing the entire game. Plus, as I said before there’s no damn reason why a townie that was genuinely covering for the PRs would have chainsawed Luxy right when he CC’d.

Then explain why Sam would have defended Maxi so damn hard were he scum?

In short, the entire damn point that I tunneled on Maxi d1 was because his braindead play made no damn sense as town. If a PR stupidly CCs you when you’re covering for them, then you fucking rescind your claim and the last thing you want to do in this case is to chainsaw them. Maxi insisted in not rescinding his jailkeeper claim and started accusing Luxy of being scum going for a mislynch. After that he was essentially lock wolf jailkeeper in my mind.

And then you vote Sam17z.

Again, I’m fairly confident that this is a PKR/Insanity/Cake/Blue scumteam.

PKR/Insanity for obvious reasons as PKR is blatantly distancing himself from Insanity.

Cake’s ISO is just shit, but the fact that they’ve been nakedly sheeping this entire match without voting for PKR is noticable and the fact that they were so sure there was a vig in this match when scum had a one-shot wolf vigilante is what convinces me that he is scum.

Blue/PKR is just painfully obvious as Blue fits in exactly with the paradigm of a Level 1 wolf due to his wishy-washy reads and general neutrality while his later interactions with PKR after I called him is just blatant distancing. Additionally, his reads were far more confident in SFoL36 when he flipped town. This doesn’t really flip town.


Can you provide some kind of defense other than “hmmh…”


May I add that Cake has been sheeping the entire game but is completely reluctant to vote PKR?

You wanna know the difference between SFoL36 and this game?

I was able to partially use mechanical information to check my reads.

I don’t have that here, hence why it’s just been mainly assumptions and suchlike. Also if you check D1 of that same game you’ll find my interactions there are awfully similar to the ones in this game, due to me not really having good info at the time.

Guys, I’ve had a thought and I am going to be able to elaborate on it more when on laptop.
@Emilia I believe you need to do something today or else there will be a CFD on you. You should know what that thing is too

This smells like a bus attempt to me.