Ninjas And Guns - Game Over - You guys got defeated by wolves with water pistols

No OnE kNoWs HoW tO rEaD mE


reads :blue_book:

@Icibalus @Marcus_Doodalee flip them

This was the most boring game I ever played, and was a waste of my time.

All the town tunneled each other, max did a horrible move causing the REAL PR to out. The excuse of seer covering is BS as they aren’t a seer, and it’s more likely you could have been the evil version who slipped. As well, he did it terribly by not knowing what he was doing. AND DID IT D1 WITHOUT ANY INFOMATION. The wolves could have instantly know he was lying based on what they had. Then he chainsawed the person he was suppose to be convering for.

But then it gets worse. PKR literally says “I’m not trying so you don’t rely on meta” basically game throwing. That ticked me off. Then Celeste doesn’t even try as well.

We need a blacklist, this game was not enjoyable for me. Alice is town MVP.

I literally would rather play against a good town then a bad one as I learned nothing here.

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Is Celeste really flipping town or are you all just shitting around?

they are flipping town. I want a black list

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When the wolf says it was boring to play against a bad town, that’s saying something ngl.


Alice was the only person who actually tried

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Unofficial Vote Count
Celeste-Firekitten Alice Noz Wazza Cake Insanity (6/6)

Yeah it’s safe to tell

I tried for D1 and this day but, them tunnels op



No, it’s not that.

What was the scumteam again?

Guess. I want to see something

also I tried bussing all my scum members D1

I give up. Nobody else here was trying.

I’m a mad cat


TWTBAW is a fallacy, I feel bad for you though as you were the only one trying