Ninjas And Guns - Game Over - You guys got defeated by wolves with water pistols

Did everyone already forget Max claiming scum d1

Yeah but just cause Town played awful doesn’t mean scum did

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you are basically allowing anyone to game throw to not get it counted on their stats if they played awful.

Gamethrowing in competitive won’t really be a thing once the blacklist is put into place, though.

Exactly, still doesn’t mean I didn’t work hard for this win.


I didn’t have to put in a lot of effort but I still put in some :crying_cat_face:

Yeh, fk played a very solid game

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I literally formed a class for each scum by the folllwing

PR seeker
Deep wolf
Deep wolf
Aggressor-Get people lynched

Did we follow that

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Granted we didn’t follow it a lot


The PR finder was really not needed due to them outting them self

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I somewhat followed it.

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I think this game I mastered the art of pretending to do shit while not actually doing anything


Honestly I really want someone to make a whole class list with a whole lot of jobs like

White Knight


Maybe add a lot more classes but this idea can be worked on


Where is SJW /s

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So when where and why is the blacklist.

Stop leaving us in the dark about plans!

To be determined


Can’t compute this.

Well played Kitten. I took a 50/50 shot on which of you was the scum and you still pinged me at points but went with Alice. If PKR was town you were lock scum though so nice kill of me. I am sorry I guessed wrong just Alice stopping me from Sam when he was obvScum made the choice easy to fuck up.