Ninjas And Guns - Game Over - You guys got defeated by wolves with water pistols

The game is for purposes of having fun and I don’t think anyone is having fun with this abusive language


Like I legit don’t want to play this game and will replace out if you keep insulting each other

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There’s no need to can this. I’m just ignoring Hja and I recommend everyone does as well.

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Currently running on 4 hours of shit sleep. Grab me after like 5 hours

You see how I felt with memesky now

@Marcus_Doodalee spread rainbows.

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:

/pats Alice there there


after alice flips scum we will flip FK

I just realized something, livicus asked they were mechanically confirmed scum yet didn’t vote them there.

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So here’s a full ISO of Livi. I don’t want him quickhammered for obvious reasons, but his posting history feels extremely off to me, tbh.

Unnecessary reaction in this case and IMO this felt far too much worrying about his own self imagine rather than focus on the gameplay.

I’ve already said that his early posts pinged hard here, but I really don’t like him due to him not interacting at all with the content d1.

Vote was somewhat nonsensical here due to the lack of reasoning and did felt very out of place as we were already out of the RVS.

In short, I don’t necessarily like Livi’s half-hearted white-knighting here. Sam’s case was different here as his posts had a general feel that Maxi was a mislynch and he had town motivation in lynching Wolfy as he also misguidedly saw Wolfy as scum in this case.

Generally feels somewhat hypocritical considering the previous posts.

Doesn’t necessarily feel honest at all considering that Livi did claim to townread Maxi and then didn’t really do anything to respond to it.

Felt way too hedging in this case.

IMO, the reaction here is too defensive and I don’t exactly like his sudden assumption of me. Overall I’d probably need an explanation for his lack of progression in his views.

|Maxi|Wolfy, Alice, Nozbugz, FK, SweetyCake, WazzaAzza, Marluxion, Margaret, BlueSt0rm22|9/9|
|Wolfy|Sam17z, MaximusPrime, Hjasik, Luxy, Insanitu|5/9|

Ultimately, I also don’t exactly like his lack of care while Wolfy and Maxi had dueling wagons in this case. As I said before, typically wolves aren’t exactly bothered by a gamestate here as a TvT thunderdome means a mislynch either way.

VC not my dude

It’s why I’m not playing any games that has this moron in the playerlist anymore. He just fucking spams his idiotic tinfoils, refuses to see otherwise and is just a huge net negative for town. He’s fucking worse than Meme as Meme didn’t really do anything while this is just a net negative.

Same, read my ISO.

Please just stop insulting him.


As I said before, his presence in the game makes it complete cancer and I can’t fucking stand it anymore.

He refuses to learn, spams, and repeatedly does nothing but fakeclaim and chainsaw while also calling you scum if you call out any his behavior.

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Tbh we need to have a blacklist

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Voted Voters Number of Votes
Alice hjasik, Sam17z 2/8
Livicus Alice 1/8

/replace out

This is not a reasonable comparison to cancer. I’m not putting up with this sort of behaviour and/or language in a game that’s meant to be fun, it’ll just make me miserable.

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