Ninjas And Guns - Game Over - You guys got defeated by wolves with water pistols

Ah Mkay

I kinda agree with alice a lot here.

Now that I’m looking at livicus ISO most of his posts seem to be fluff or just soft defending max, and nothing with reads. the only one I could find that actually had anything interesting was

And even still they didn’t know what was happening then as they didn’t actually ISO max or know what the wagon was for

This was the only really reads he had so far and.

The wazza one seems okay but he was scumreading alice for pushing a easy push on him when they weren’t even voting alice, which I just kinda find weird. So if PKR is scum I don’t think PKR would let wazza actually quick hammer there.

@Marcus_Doodalee do your co hosty job and prod people.

Do it yourself :wink:

@Kirefitten if you read back I was actually making my big post when the hammer was swung.
Thus I couldn’t react and say what I wanted to.
Which was incredulously frustrating

Well, here’s a an augmented EoD wagon here. Thing is, Wazza is probably a PR here over their posts of outing themselves, since I don’t exactly see a newbie scum player doing that, then I think Wazza is likely cleared here, and for obvious reasons I’m also cleared.

Tbh, aside from this, my PoE goes like this.

Lock town

  • Alice - Obvious.
  • Wazza - Likely IC in this case.

Very likely town:

  • Sam17z - TWTBAW over white-knighting Maxi.
  • Margaret - She’s following her typical town AI which is to fake-claim.
  • Hjasik - Shows town motivation

Likely Town:

  • Insanity - Did show that he actually has some town motivation when it came to Maxi v. Wolfy
  • Wolfy - Compare his self-meta. He doesn’t yolopush for mislynches as scum d1.
  • FK - Somewhat hard to read, but yet again this isn’t the kind of player to push for a mislynch d1. Your RM2 meta was playing extremely conservatively rather than aggressively.


  • Cake - Somewhat conditional here, they did swap their votes between Wolfy and Maxi a lot, but much of their posts are kind of naked.
  • HTM - Prod pls.
  • Noz - Hard to read, tbh. I think Livi/Noz’s flips may clear each other here due to their interactions during Maxi’s wagon.


  • Livicus - Fluffing a hell lot, making excuses, and apathy during the EoD d1. Somewhat my top read ATM.
  • PKR - Overemphasis on mechanics and semi-apathetic during the EoD d1. Not exactly keen on him, but I feel Livi will more likely flip scum than PKR.

Additionally, I have an interesting point on Cake that I’ll soon post.

IMO, he seems way too certain that this is a RM-like game due to the sheer comments regarding PRs here. I thought for sure he was a PR by mentioning this, but since 5D means we can only have one other PR, as in an IC, I’m beginning to change my theory here.

why is wazza lock town


Please explain how we can now gamesolve via a PoE? From Luxy’s flip and the night kills we know that the setup here is D.

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Fairly certain they’re the IC here due to their interaction with Wolfy.

what does IC mean and why does it make them lock town

Innocent Child, can reveal as town

Innocent Child. They can essentially reveal themselves as town like Town of Salem’s Mayor.

What’s the vote count as well @Livicus are you back yet?

Livi’s at L-3.

Voted Voters Number of Votes
Alice Sam17z 1/8
Livicus Alice, FK, Nozbugz, Hjasik, Wazza 5/8

Speaking of which, out of all players who have been active PKR is the only one reluctant to vote for him.

Hey. Been busy with catching up with Uni work and what have you.

Catching up with a lot of bits and pieces that I might have missed right now, but the verdict is saying we assume that Waz is IC as our last townie from the quick skim I made, or is that someone else?

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Wait I’m in this?

/replace out

Why the heck did you join if you weren’t going to be active

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Close enough.