Ninjas And Guns - Game Over - You guys got defeated by wolves with water pistols

This slightly sounded like you wanted to deviate from the HJ conversation when I accussed him…

I’m not too sure tbh, I have a lot to read up on.
Hja’s annoyingly a 50/50.
Wazza has been scummy earlier this game (I think it was this game unless I’m being absolutely foolish)
Luxy could potentially be scum from the bits I’ve seen but they’re like a 7/10 Scum. 3/10 Non-Scum

Luxy is dead.

A wise wolf once said, reading is fun.


Reaction test, eh FK?

Tbh, i dont see a reason for Ic not to claim
They have no effect, especially if they arent a general town leader

I’m always neutral until I know what the hell’s going on

Not my fault I can’t ISO people with the perception of the sun gods and goddesses

I never even said luxy. I said livicus.

Is this me? :smiley_cat:

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So i think its row5

This is one out of my 3 games and I’ve been most talkative in this one so probably this one.

I need to go to sleep :frowning:
My mind’s not functioning.
Take what I said about Luxy and transfer it to Livi.
I was going to type “Livy” but just didn’t even pay attention as my fingers tapped naturally >_>

okay I’m back

I realize I may look quite susp but I’m still going to offer my 2 cents on the whole thing

How much of the thread have you read upon your return?

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I’ll read through it right now

but I have two scumleans from yesterday’s wagon on Maxi, you and Celeste, for your somewhat awkward and suddenly feeling hammer on him

We still have over a day here, so there’s no need to quickhammer, or drunkhammer in Blue’s case.

Or the game before when I was scumread as Town

But not blue? He literally hammered it and Celeste hammer things all the time

Who do you think I was replying to?

Would Celeste fakeclaim Seer as scum? Usually when she fakeclaims shit she’s typically town.