Ninjas And Guns - Game Over - You guys got defeated by wolves with water pistols

:crossed_swords::crossed_swords: Ninjas and Guns :gun: :gun:

:crossed_swords: Rules :gun:

  1. All standard forum rules apply, as usual.
  2. Do not communicate about the game outside the game, and don’t angleshoot.
  3. Please be respectful to your fellow players. Keep your salt in until post-game.
  4. Don’t post in big text or otherwise pretend to be a host of this game.
  5. Have fun.

:crossed_swords: Mechanics :gun:

  • Day Phases will last for 48 hours unless shortned by majority lynch.
  • Night phases will last for 24 hours.
  • The lynch is decided by Majority AND plurality.

:crossed_swords: Roleset :gun:

The setup is Ninjas and Guns 17p from MafiaUniverse. Credit to Apoc for this setup.
The game will feature 13 Villagers VS 4 Wolves. The Wolf kill is factional and assigned.

To decide the power roles, take a random row OR column from the below table to decide the power roles. In a case of OR, do a coinfip to decide which role to use. The same Wolf role cannot spawn twice (with the exception of Vanilla Wolf, obviously.)

The Matrix (Read Thoroughly)
1 Village Seer Wolf Jailkeeper OR Wolf Ninja JOAT Village Jailkeeper Vanilla Villager Wolf 1-shot Vigilante
2 Vanilla Vilager Village Angel Wolf Role Seer Wolf 1-shot Vigilante Village Mason (x2)
3 Wolf Ninja JOAT Village Tracker Wolf 1-shot Vigilante Village Innocent Child Village Bodygaurd
4 1-shot Bulletproof Villager Wolf Role Seer OR Wolf Jailkeeper Village Vigilante Wolf Jailkeeper OR Wolf Ninja JOAT Vanilla Villager
5 1-shot Wolf Vigilante OR Wolf Role Seer Vanilla Villager Vanilla Villager Villager JOAT Wolf Jailkeeper

Village Seer starts the game with an N0 peek on a random Villager, and learns the allignment of whoever they peek every night. (excluding Wolf JOAT)
Wolf Role Seer starts the game with an N0 peek on a random Vanilla Villager, and learns the entire role of whoever they peek every night.

Village JOAT has 2 uses of Seer, 2 uses of Vigilante and 2 uses of Jailkeeper, but must cycle through all the abilities before being able to use one again (EG: JOAT peeks someone with Seer, they must then Jailkeep and Shoot a player before they can use their second use of the Seer ability).

Wolf Ninja JOAT chooses one of these three passive abilities every night. This cannot be blocked by anyone or anything.

  • Ninja - Your visits will not show to anyone who Tracks you tonight.
  • Godfather - You will appear as a Villager to any Seers who target you tonight.
  • Bulletproof - You cannot die tonight. After this ability has blocked a kill you will be informed and may never use this ability again.

Jailkeepers and Angels cannot target the same player two nights in a row, everyone else can.
Nobody can target themselves except for the Ninja JOAT

Fill the rest of the setup up with Vanilla Villagers and Vanilla Wolves to reach 13v4.

:crossed_swords: Rolecards :gun:



A bumbling idiot whose only redeeming quality is his ability to catch Wolves

Right guys! What did I miss… OH! There’s my crystal ball! Oh, what a muggins I am! Wait, what’s that? The wolves again? Right-y oh! Let’s go then I guess, once I can find my garlic…

what do you mean that dosen’t work on them? Oh, whatever.

You begin the game knowing that [player] is definitely a Villager.
Each night you may peek a player’s allingment learning if that player is a Wolf or not. This check can be made innacurate by certain Wolves

You win when all threats to the Village have been eliminated.


A very suspicious man who is probably still human

Okay, I need to do my bit to protect the village… looks at specially prepared dungeon you’ve had for a while
This oughta stop them from being eaten… even if they don’t want it.

Each night you may jail a player. You may not jail a player two nights in a row.
Jailed players will be occupied but will be protected from a single kill that night.

You win when all threats to the Village have been eliminated.


A Busybody who loves paperwork

Ohhhh yeah! Another round of paperwork! New guys to send to the afterlife, arranging tours around the minibar…! Wait. Ohhhh no. Not another village infested with horrifying monsters.

I hate those. Well, better stop people from dying I guess.

Each night you may protect a player, stopping a single kill on them that night. You may not target the same player two nights in a row.

You win when all threats to the Village have been eliminated.


A pair of melodramatic accountants.

Oh great brethren, are the wheels of fate duly spun! Have our robes of fate been doused in the sacred flame… Then let the Elucidated Brethren Of Lupus Destructica convene.

You know from the start of the game that [player] is the other Mason. You will be given a secret chat that you can talk in at all times.

You win when all threats to the Village have been eliminated.


An overenthusiastic hunter

WhoooOOO-whoo! Wolves! Danger! We’re in danger guys! And i’m going to save you by getting circumstanial evidence! YAAAAAY!

Each night you may target a player. You will learn who they target with their abilities, if anyone.

You win when all threats to the Village have been eliminated.

Innocent Child

Don’t think too hard about the connotations of this

Mommy… I don’t want to be brutally lynched by my friends… oh wait I can just reveal myself and I won’t be lynched never mind!

At any time during the day you may say I am town while @ing the mods.
I will reveal that you are an Innocent Child as soon as possible.
Note that anyone else trying to do this will be immediately modkilled. Fake IC reveals are NOT allowed.

You win when all threats to the Village have been eliminated.


A very macho old man

Well. whippersnapper wolves? Think you can take me? I thought not! Hyaaaaaaaaaa!

Each night you may target a player. You will sacrifice your life to save them from all kills that night.

You win when all threats to the Village have been eliminated.

1-shot Bulletproof

The most badass man in existence.

…You need your fingernails cutting. pushes wolf away

You will survive the first attempt on your life at night.

You win when all threats to the Village have been eliminated.


A very pissed off man with a shotgun and a lot of silver bullets


Each night you may kill a player. You will feel no remorse or guilt no matter who you shoot, but you might want to avoid shooting Villagers all willy nilly.

You win when all threats to the Village have been eliminated.

Jack of All Trades

I lied, this guy’s even more badass. He’s basically a Gary Stu

Let’s go, wolves. You killed my father. Prepare to die. I will stop at NOTHING to destroy you, no matter what I have to do.

You can use 3 different abilities at night. You have two uses of each:

  • Peek - Choose a player. You will learn whether they are a Wolf at the end of the night.
  • Shoot - Kill a player.
  • Jail - Occupy and protect a player from a single kill.
    You cannot use the second shot of an ability until you have used the other two abilities.
    You may only use one ability per night.

You win when all threats to the Village have been eliminated.

Vanilla Villager

the extremely boring man

hello, i’m a very boring role. this is a commentary on something but I’m not sure what
oh well, time to catch some wolves I guess

You have no abilities except your voice and your vote. Good luck out there.

You win when all threats to the Village have been eliminated.



An evil man who is actually a monster as well as being evil

Hum dee dum… how are you enjoyiing my accomodation? Oohhh don’t mind the sautee…
It’s just a bit of preparation. Now sleeep…

Each night you may jail a player. You may not jail a player two nights in a row.
Jailed players will be occupied but will be protected from a single kill that night.

You win when the Wolves have equal numbers to the Village or if nothing can prevent this from happening.

Ninja JOAT

One sneaky boi

scuttle scuttle it appears you want to know where I am and want to kill me
don’t do that.

Each night you may choose to have one of these three passive effects:

  • Ninja - Your visits will not show to anyone who Tracks you tonight.
  • Godfather - You will appear as a Villager to any Seers who target you tonight.
  • Bulletproof - You cannot die tonight. After this ability has blocked a kill you will be informed and may never use this ability again.
    Activating one of these passives is unblockable and untracable, and you may do any other action in addition to activating one.

You win when the Wolves have equal numbers to the Village or if nothing can prevent this from happening.

1-shot Vigilante

basically gluttony from Fullmetal Alchemist

Ooohh… can I eat it? Not with you guys, obviously, but can I? Can I? CAN i?

Once per game you may kill a player separate to the factional kill.

You win when the Wolves have equal numbers to the Village or if nothing can prevent this from happening.

Role Seer

A pervert as well as a monster

Now let’s see what HE does when we aren’t looking… oh, he only searches for wolves. How boring. MOVING ON!

You start the game knowing that [player] is a Vanilla Villager
Each night you may peek a player, learning their full role.

You win when the Wolves have equal numbers to the Village or if nothing can prevent this from happening.

Vanilla Wolf

Basically just a dog (and thus my worst nightmare)

GRAH GRUPH GRAWWW ARGH RAAAAAAAGH! cough Sorry, what was that? What was that?

You have no abilities except your voice, your vote, your allies and your claws. Good luck out there.

You win when the Wolves have equal numbers to the Village or if nothing can prevent this from happening.

:crossed_swords: Signups :gun:

  1. PokemonKidRyan - Lynched D3 - Vanilla Villager
  2. htm MathBlade - Killed N3 - Vanilla Villager
  3. Alice
  4. Livicus - Lynched D2 - Vanilla Villager
  5. SweetyCake
  6. Marluxion - Killed N1 - Vanilla Villager
  7. WazzaAzza
  8. Sam17z
  9. Margaret
  10. Firekitten
  11. NozBugz
  12. MaximusPrime - Lynched D1 - Vanilla Villager
  13. hjasik
  14. BlueSt0rm22
  15. Luxy - Killed N1 - Village Jack of All Trades
  16. Wolfy - killed N2- Vanilla Villager
  17. Insanity

PS: the water pistols were NOT deliberate.
fucking emoji censorship



Are you certain you can be fully active for this game? With a relatively large list for a comp game activity is essential.

not really /out :frowning:



PS: I’m requesting at least 10 posts with content per day phase from anyone who signs up. If you don’t think you can provide that then don’t join.

wow normally my games filll faster than this

Nice perfect for me

/not in

dama the game has vanillagers of course you’re not going to join it


10 posts a day is too much anyway. Who can do that?

it’s not a hard post requirement at all, almost every single player consistently does at least 10 posts

Obviously I’m a special snowflake




Ici’s Wolf games are great stuff

I love Werewolves of Mller’s Hollow


I too love it when Icibalus rolls scum :^)

Kill ninjas with water pistol right in their eyes :eyes:

you’re most likely to roll cit
just saying so you’re aware

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