Ninjas And Guns - Game Over - You guys got defeated by wolves with water pistols

Tbh Sam is a little bit too suspicious.

Look, although he might be TWTBAW, but he can still fake it…

/vote Sam

But I still think PKR should be lynched today.

This game just got ten times more fun when math got here ngl

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Townblocks when not a popularity contest are huge in getting rid of scum because then you see when someone tries to destroy it or join it their motivations.

Say Marcus and Livi and Max are in a townblock in a game

Then I scumread Livi. Max and Marcus are inherently going to scrutinize the case more and therefore myself as a consequence. It forces more authentic grouping interactions and more examinations.

I see. Okay

Did Alice ever revisit this?

put on tinfoil head

In my opinion, the plausible scum team is: PKR/Alice/Sam and maybe Wazza? or Noz?

This is bullshit not twbaw not even CLOSE

I don’t see how this is angleshooty tbh I think Alice is playing dumb here. She is much better scum than the game that doesn’t exist. The 5 minute bit screwed her and I was having to long game her when she didn’t crack under pressure

Notice Alice doesn’t mention if Max flips town. The corollary to this post is Sam flips scum.

Again no IF Max flips town. Her prior posts say Sam should be vigged.

Oh honey…/me hugs

One of the two of you is distancing hard AF

Alice busses deadweight players. If Alice thinks PKR won’t contribute and/or doesn’t want to play she’d have 0 problems jettisoning him

shakes head

I really wish there was more time in the day.

I don’t get it, why did you reply to that post?

As well mainly I’m more confident in PKR flipping scum right now compared to Alice, and would rather vote PKR here.

Not a single if Max is town I wonder why?

Because either you are playing us for fools or Alice was playing you.

I can’t think RN goodnight.

I think the interaction between PKR and Alice is SvS.

Mathblade, what is your opinion on it?

At least someone has common sense.

Only reason scum claim early is true claiming or Celeste

I am thinking PKR needs rope. Leaning that way. However if Alice is town you are scum for feedback looping instead of providing reasons why you think so.