Ninjas and Guns - Overwatch Flavor - [3/17] - Day 7: Mafia Wins (winky face) (it's not a joke)

/v esooa

hahaā€¦ just kiddingā€¦unlessā€¦?

pretty sure I typically read you as town until you make 20 posts going over why a joke I made 20 minutes into the day makes me confirmed mafia to the point I have no option but to annoyedly omgus you because ur tilting

ok but youā€™re probably trying to pocket me here and the way you are townreading me doesnā€™t read as genuine to me because you donā€™t just mark my posts as towny because Iā€™ve fooled you as scum twice before.

esooa frozen

I expect he generally falls along the lines of players who, if you can tell theyā€™re putting thought into peoples alignment from their posts, theyā€™re >>>>>>>>>rand town

why is universal not town here?

lol once, one of those times was Dia, I literally lock towned Dia off their entry then barely read your posts lmfao

Besides that, calling towny things towny is how you play mafia. I donā€™t really give a fuck if I misread you 5 months ago (in bread mafia). I know why I did so I wonā€™t again. And Iā€™m better at reading people in general now. I literally have played mafia for like 7 months in total and your last game with me was like, 5 of those ago or smth so probably donā€™t apply meta to me like this

ur literally asking me why someone being casual in a casual thread environment (who also, you were later told is like that as scum too) shouldnā€™t be town read

While calling my reason involving actual thought put into posts fake

Iā€™m gonna stop this now anyways tho cause Iā€™m gonna watch the boys with a cute girl

except i would expect u to be more cautious - not less. this doesnā€™t make sense

bruh. This is why I wanted someone else to gives reads. I donā€™t like being the person who makes reads at the start of the game that have little basis but are a start then being told ā€œthis is badā€

Youā€™ve done it before too and we were t/t

Chill and mayb donā€™t interrogate people for SoD1 meandering


/vote intensify

lmfao I just saw this


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Esooaā€™s frustration feels genuine when it comes to DkKoba. Probably would be a 7 on my scale. Which is decently high considering how early it is.

Itā€™s the title of the poem the game was based on, and it was an Osie game lol

Oh no, I reevaluated into listing 5/6 wolves in a single post, so I did reevaluate correctly. But I got paranoid sometime after that and followed the consensus.

They donā€™t. I said I refuse to give Marshal town credit for not losing her cool when meme wagoned. Meaning, I donā€™t think itā€™s towny because I think she can do it as any alignment.

I give up on this tbh, I was pulling bullshit out of my ass because it was almost 3 am and I was FPSing even though I thought it would be fairly obvious I didnā€™t and shouldnā€™t actually have solid reads. Itā€™s also stupid because it doesnā€™t look like anyone answered, unless the forum just skipped a chunk of posts on me? Anyway I was kind of hoping Iā€™d sleep for longer and leave this for more time but I think most of you guys are probably asleep now instead.

I was questioning a few people in that list but I wouldnā€™t call it scumleaning,those are just people on my radar because theyā€™d actually posted by then so I wanted to solve them first. I didnā€™t have two light scumleans in that list. I just wanted to see how people would react and if theyā€™d jump to accusing me, or jump to accusing someone in the list. The reason I didnā€™t ask people to guess who my scumleans were is because Marshal literally said in a few posts above mine that if you donā€™t have reads,you should pretend to have reads and ask people to guess them. I was just being lazy and doing exactly that in a roundabout and probably very ineffective way lol.

Eh, what I wrote above. But also as Sulit said there was close to nothing (but still something) in there. I do find it worth noting that Sulit thinks itā€™s performative of me and yet she was literally in my list. I think I have something else worth noting in Sulit now but I gotta check something because itā€™s possible I skimmed too quickly and misread.

Ohhhh you meant rule of 3, but doubled. I misread what you said as a ā€œrule of 3x2ā€ like you meant 3 rows and 2 columns or something.

Also yeah I mustā€™ve definitely missed posts when loading the page, meh. Discourse sucks, Iā€™m gonna refresh and continue reading and responding after that.

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Hi wind!

Ok yeah discourse did fail to load a bunch of posts lol,gonna read em

Also, Sulit, the last time you tunnelled me from D1 I was a town PR lol

The time before that I was actually a wolf

But thatā€™s been literally all games youā€™ve played with me, you always tunnel me regardless of my alignment.

Welp you have my answer now xD
Everyone there is someone Iā€™m looking at but nobody stuck out that much. Think this is an interesting response to my post, though, given that I asked for quotes and not for reads, but you gave your reads anyway, Sulit just went straight to voting me instead, and Intensify went to speculating if Iā€™m a neut lol.

Ok now I see clonedā€™s post lol. Oddly enough I think this is slightly towny coming from him. I donā€™t think Sulit was towny for jumping to scumread me and saying I made a weird post, but I think Cloned jumping to read it as a rule of 3 is likeā€¦ too easy to default to, and that as a wolf he might avoid making a post like this. Itā€™s not reading me off what I posted in terms of content or tone or weirdness of the post in general, but just a default rule like ā€œif nobody else is scummier letā€™s just yeet Windā€ which, although it could be setting me up for a future ML, is actually not pushing agenda (and I think sulits reaction to my post is within agenda range).

Anyway, that was the last of the posts that didnā€™t load before, so Iā€™m caught up on those and the context of the later ones makes a bit more sense now.

I certainly got interesting responses lol.

I think sulits reaction is OMGUS but not sure if itā€™s agenda. I donā€™t like that she didnā€™t answer anything I asked about and also didnā€™t comment on the player list but just voted me probably for listing her within my ā€œscumlean??ā€ list and didnā€™t add commentary on anyone including herself.
I think Intensify had a somewhat towny reaction, I donā€™t know why I said he was speculating on neutrals cause I just remembered there arenā€™t any in this game and he made a joke (oops) lol.
I think Cloned had a fairly towny reaction because he put me on the back burner as possible wolf just by the rule of 3 and didnā€™t jump to point out anything directly scummy in my post? Now that I think about it, though, itā€™s slightly notable that I also put him on my list and he said I might be scum. I donā€™t think his reaction reads as an OMGUS like sulits does,but I guess I should factor that in more than I did up to this point.

Yeah, I feel like while Cloned insists I stay in the PoE heā€™s also not exactly pushing me hard like I think he would if I were potential agenda.

Go for it, what are your questions?

LOL I forgot I voted cloned during RVS because he said he didnā€™t like Genji
There was literally no other reason for that vote btw, I know someoneā€™s gonna ask about it
Gonna factor that into his reaction to my post, and I think he looks townier than not. I can explain more in depth if people want me to.

Hi Uni!

tl;dr on my catchup posts - itā€™s mostly just commenting on peopleā€™s reactions to the list of players I gave that I said contained 2 scumleans and explaining what I was actually doing.

I donā€™t expect any of you to actually read my posts or care tbh. Iā€™m not gonna get towncored anytime soon but you guys should look back on my reads whenever I die o/

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