Ninjas and Guns - Overwatch Flavor - [3/17] - Day 7: Mafia Wins (winky face) (it's not a joke)


Their post about it being a town kill

Unless they directly claimed it and I missed it

Didnā€™t claim anything before they died.

They did. They also claimed theirs n1 shot, while we are at that.

Was the marl kill more likely mafia or pkr

well not directly, thats what i meant.

Aka was marl towny Eod1

Cuz I might know who they shot n1 if not marl

Marl is a more likely to be a mafia kill than PKR.

Anyway @SirDerpsAlot scum did NOT shoot cloned night 2.

Or to be more exact I doubt it, as it was shot which was directly lowering theirs chances to win this game.
Which means they most likely hit the BPV.

There you go, from this you can figure out pretty reliably who is BPV asā€¦ more likely kill choice on the night 2.

Idk bro

Yk maybe they shot the same person


N1 is not going to bring you anything new to the analysis.
PKR did shoot Marl. Scum also did shoot Marl.
PKR also claimed (softed) that shot.
Marl was obvious town, but started PKR wagon.

Go for N2.
PKR killed cloned, scum hit BPV.

@SirDerpsAlot you wanted lesson about NK analysis, then have fun with this task.

Iā€™m looking now

NKA is a pain when you subbed in before the night youā€™re looking at

Gonna keep this for reference

Scum would never 4 way powerhouse lock confirm each other. So thereā€™s 100% a wolf in the Not Opposed area.

which is established.

Not what Iā€™m talking about but sure

If you donā€™t want to, itā€™s fine.
I think people will actually dig through it, now that I brought it up.

Altho Iā€™m not very pleased, considering how many times I had to say that PKR was claiming vig since day 1 and noone took care to actually go back and check it out, despite weird n2 kill.