Ninjas and Guns - Overwatch Flavor - [3/17] - Day 7: Mafia Wins (winky face) (it's not a joke)

sorry, but I’m not touching eevee with 6 inch pole for meta reasons.

Alright sure.

Despite me not trusting you still, I’m willing to talk about another slot.

My reads on everyone aren’t all fully developed yet.

Well, I’ve only checked into this thread like five times since the start of the game because I’m always out on weekends lol. It’s pretty normal for me and NAI activity-wise but next week is also the final week of the academic year, so lolexams and lolthesisreport. I just want to chill and not be pressured to make reads if I don’t have solid reads and point fingers at villagers since we’re on the same team. I am not taking the blame for pushing a villager just because I got pushed to make a read prematurely, before I actually scour the slot for everything I can think of. So yeah, when I’m distracted and doing other things, or out drinking, or tired, or studying, I don’t rush to make reads because it isn’t actually helpful to make judgements on such little information that I’ve gathered.

All right, give me an AI post he’s written and your explanation behind it.

is this a joke or

It’s not
I’m just saying I think it could come from town Sulit


yeah this level of marshal is just what you guys are getting today lol

ftr wind is not to be touched today, i agree wholeheartedly with marl

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Yeah I know.

But like idk why you would ask when I seemed pretty clear that I was thinking you were defending yourself there

Maybe I wasn’t clear enough?

ill just pretend youre smart and forget about it

Eh, I don’t want to produce meaningful content when I have nothing to contribute and I’m too distracted. I only give reads if my head is in the game,and thus far it hasn’t been. I’m here to have fun in my free time, not to get pressured into solving the game on D1 or else I’m scum. Why the fuck does everyone expect me to produce meaningful content when the last time I gave slow but completely accurate reads, and low posted, I got misyeeted?

I am very smart.

Mars is flat

It was rhetorical

Mars is a god so I’d be concerned if he had tits


never mind

ftr I’m not going to be responding to eevees posts about my read on him

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Fair, I guess.

As for me… I think everything is fine?
I mean, I managed to improve my streak further, so there really is nothing to complain about, on the mafia level that is.
As per others… let’s talk out of this topic tbh.

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I mean if you have nothing to contribute and still post something that’s basically meaningless and confuses a lot of us, you’re not helping yourself look too good, as both town or scum.