Ninjas and Guns - Overwatch Flavor - [3/17] - Day 7: Mafia Wins (winky face) (it's not a joke)

You’re definitely reading wrong.
Sulit tried to tie the wagon multiple times

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Alright I’ll go look at EoD again.

Looks like I misremembered things

Why is Aelin town?

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sulit went onto me to try a 3 way tie.
sulit went onto Aelin to try and force a last second tie between Aelin and Eli.

The 3-3-3 post was from wazza

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I’m not certain Aelin is. I’m getting paranoia on their slot.
But it’s just… I can see W!Sulit what they’re doing on a T/T/T ending vs a T/T/W ending (Aelin as wolf)

>=1 scum here

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Aelin/Sulit not W/W is what I’m getting at I guess?
I think it’s more likely T/W

I’m facepalming very hard.

why were you so insistent on not letting Aelin die eventho you don’t even think he was guaranteed town?

T/W which way
Im leaning T/W with aelin w

Yeah idk PKR

Sulit only tied once…?

Wazza was also screwing and intentionally tieing it, so I don’t know why ur picking on Sulit

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I don’t know.
I was moreso insistent on not causing a tie because I’m not a fan of RNG in our executions.
And Eli does have that camp thing too so I’d feel more guilty of a T!Aelin flip than a T!Eli flip.

I’m fine with keeping an eye on Wazza too.
It’s just sulit tried to last second tie it which is why it stands out to me more in my memory.

bruh moment.

it’s on the 17th which is 3 ingame day cycles.

Hmmm alrighty.

Question is what reason do you propose Sulit had to tie it?

I thought Eli was already going away :-:
I just remembered camp, not the day.

Looking a little more into this
We have

  1. The accuser
  2. Scum
  3. The self-pres
  4. The troll
  5. Scum

Gg ez

Pocket Eli since they thought Aelin was more likely to die by a last second change?

I’m just trying to theory craft >.>

All of them

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I mean…

There should probably be a reason, otherwise it’s a mostly NAI Move imo.