Ninjas and Guns - Overwatch Flavor - [3/17] - Day 7: Mafia Wins (winky face) (it's not a joke)

word of warning
the positivity just exists as part of them
it’s kinda impossible to tell uni as town or scum based on tonal differences, except in some cases where they kinda break down as scum (and make us feel bad)

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Example of a game where uni got caught on tonal differences: the one 14p hydra game we played and uni replaced into

example of a game where uni didn’t: literally every other scum game

google: how to force forumoflies community to leave rvs 1/4 of the way into the day

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n o
/vote DkKoba

good. vote me.
it feeds my WIM.

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I’m going to come out and say it, I think Marl/Intensify/Marshal has a high chance of having scum within it and I want to vote within it today.

I also don’t like cloned’s reaction to me trying to push the game past a stage that is more comfortable and easy for scum.

Since I can tell they’re here let’s add some pressure:

/vote intensify

i recommend you bold your votes
or katzen might get angry

use two askerisks before and after **bolded text**

or just use the bold button

200% town

that’s on a scale of 1 to 5 so that’s a lot

2/5 is not a lot

you already do my man <3

What made you townread them in particular? I only asked because you were talking to them as if you had a very confident townread on them

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also wrong meme
that’s supposed to have an exclamation point at the end :^)

OK, more productive question:

What is the average scumgame on this site like?

Y’all can answer that one at least right?

google has failed me

/vote google

Pretty sure this is just a bunch of French words strung together.

I feel like that sounds more like re-evaluating wrong, rather than not trusting your reads.

Or was it that you didn’t trust your reads that led you to re-revaluating wrong?

Uhh maybe it’s just me cause it’s 11 PM right now but… I’m pretty sure those two sentences contradict each other… so I don’t get what ur saying.

Wierd request?

I don’t think any of these wolfy so far, mainly because everything so far has felt pretty NAI or fluff to me, but alright. I’m interested to see that you’ve made something out of these posts so far.

I mean I guess I could maybe do this later? I really don’t see what much I can pull out considering how fluff and NAI everything mostly has been so far.

no u

I think it’s more of a call to initiative to get the thread rolling I think?

Idk it’s definitely wierd to me as well, and I don’t really think this comes from scum, but neither from town as well… it’s some sort of effort I guess…?

Maybe Wind is a Neutral

Right… SFoL 66 was… a game.

Alright so, I don’t particularly have a strong or defined idea on this topic other than it might be NAI, so I’ll go in further detail.

These two are the responses to Marshal’s meme wagon.

Can you explain how this feels “natural” per say?

Me getting distracted every 5 minutes while writing this post

explain… more?

Thank you I guess?
I have 0 idea how you are getting “vaguely towny” vibes from this but sure I gues.

I feel like I’ve heard of this before.

But what the hell is 3 x 2

You gonna go further into this?
I’d like to have hear your reasonings.

Espicially on me and Marl.

I think that was semi-meme vote from Cloned.

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this is a 4-maf game, so here’s what i predict:

one goes afk
one gets into towncore and wreaks havoc
one gets caught by mech and is really iffy until they do
one UTRs and/or is uni and nobody suspects them


goodnight guys

goodnight kisses?

