Ninjas and Guns - Overwatch Flavor - [3/17] - Day 7: Mafia Wins (winky face) (it's not a joke)

I mean…

It’s not like sickness just suddenly goes on vacation after the 8th day hits or something

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  1. Intensify - Townlean
  2. sulit - Townlean
  3. Marshal - Scumread
  4. eevee - Scumlean
  5. ATNoName - Townlean
  6. NetherNitro - Scumlean
  7. Universal - Null
  8. SkyRED SirDerpsAlot - Scumlean
  9. Esooa - Townlean
  10. WindwardAway Amelia - Townlean
  11. DkKoba - Townlean
  12. PokemonKidRyan - Townlean

been ill for 2 weeks mate, missed a week of school and last week I was on a half-term break meaning I had a week off. I don’t decide the length of my illnesses, sorry I can’t just tell it to piss off.

Explain these 4

some sicknesses last 1-2 weeks depending on the person

PKR is literally PR claim… lmao

meh, sometimes it’s just better to sub out.

Is he?

please dont discuss replacing out like that

that kind of read is kinda ech weh

its bad to force someone else to reread 2.5k posts - sometimes just being a warm body is enough to let the game go on in the right direction.

anyway forums are lagging send help

tbh. not to be rude or anything, but if you can’t play because ur sick, you should probably replace out, for your own health and so that you can recover better.

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I don’t think discussing this is allowed so uh

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Eevee - Literally not noticed anything townie from him, plus other people find him scummy this game and I’m willing to believe them as a I townlean most of those.
Nether - I’ve explained before, but mainly because he voted me with a lack of reason and I feel it was more of a way to get on the side of the others already voting me.
DKKoba - Day 2.
PKR - Don’t know really, just didn’t want to place him as null and I think some posts stood out to me, but I don’t exactly recall atm

there’s various reasons why I can’t replace out, one is a promise I made to the mods and thus that stops me from replacing out in the first place, and no, I’m not just gonna sub out because of some shitty illness, I may not be able to do much, but I’m just throwing someone in my place, someone who won’t even be motivated to play more than likely and someone who would do worst than me because the difference is, I can understand what’s going on at times and I’m my own slot.

look, I know I’ve played shitty and slanked because I’m ill, I’m very aware of that, but replacing out, especially Day 3, won’t change anything, I’m afraid. You’ll just have someone else thrown into a slot being scumread because they’re a LHF in the first place. And also, I can’t replace out.

Understand now?


You saw nothing sus.



I can see deleted posts

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bruh moment

What do you find scummy about Eevee

Very vague but I guess I’ll figure it out or something.

Sure but let’s just drop the topic of replacing out completely for now.

I mean

tbh I can get behind V-leaning koba based on what I’ve seen of the slot

gives me frustrated townie vibes