Ninjas and Guns - Overwatch Flavor - [3/17] - Day 7: Mafia Wins (winky face) (it's not a joke)

I think there’s exactly 1 wolf in intensify/wazza and also nether nitro is just mafia

Ok I’m leaving civilization and going back to fields so I doubt imma have internet

she says, knowing full well the day ends in 27 mins.

marshal wolf, derps town.



just saying it :).

not my reads

Who’s reads then

your reads.

I never said SDA town?

? what do you think he is then?

Probably scum now that I think about it.

He’s holding onto the claim for way too long, even admitting it was fake but still insisting on it like 2 posts later.

He’s also not exactly answering the scumread on me but that’s probably just SDA things.



I disagree with him holding the claim making him scum tbh

sus amongus

I don’t get it either why he would do it as town.

and why would he hold it for so long as scum?

my guy held the claim through TWO pr ccs.

dude is clearly just trying to find out who the PR is

intensify is correct

level 0 question