Ninjas and Guns - Overwatch Flavor - [3/17] - Day 7: Mafia Wins (winky face) (it's not a joke)

atnoname was


blizzard took scout, one of the most fun and interesting characters in TF2, dumbed him down, made him a british girl, and drained all of his personality. nice.

You are Vanilla Town.

You have no abilities, other than your voice and your vote.

You win when you eliminate the mafia.

derps was


why the fuck does rocket punch even exist what the fuck

You are Vanilla Town.

You have no abilities, other than your voice and your vote.

You win when you eliminate the mafia.

amelia was


if you press the “i need healing” button one more time im going to rip your spine out

You are Vanilla Town.

You have no abilities, other than your voice and your vote.

You win when you eliminate the mafia.

marshal was


everybody who plays this character only does it because they want to date her

You are Mafia Goon.

You have no special abilities, but possess a 24/7 scum chat and a factional kill.

You win when you reach parity with the town.


I was correct on like everyone but you

what the fuck town

im fine with wolfchat release ftr, whens specchat

Because I’m not to you playing like this as wolf

I’m annoyed. Blegh.

Oh well.

GGs wolves, y’all definitely deserve it more than we did

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Marshal you killing me probably won you the game, I was set on it being between you and Amelia but then this day started then I knew it was you

And spew looked really good for you cuz your teammates said brrrr

yeh i know u were the biggest threat by far

AT was never mafia there, especially when the main player defending him was slaughtered

Also you guys lynched in MyLo, wtf


yeh they all tried to bus me and then died and left me here with all of this towncred after id given no shits this entire game

I was the only one who was correct when entering specchat :joy_cat:

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It wouldn’t have made a difference

Can this site just.

Play a proper my/lylo for once lmao


this is relatable

Would’ve killed you and stopped you pushing AT

didnt day just start

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i have that infectious quality that makes villagers quickhammer

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