Gonna go play on zones home site now
you gotta pay money to xblade
fuck we’re hostages
You know I almost typed fuck @ xblade then realized that’s probs a bad idea
who’s ready for Virtuous III
its hard to ping him cuz he has that stupid i in his name
Not that hard
It’s easier to dm him on discord tho
I have international keyboard on which I should really turn off
you all SUCKZE
He might actually have DMs off
“itll be funny to rand the obv town with the obv wolf”
How many times are the Unseen gonna get raided by BD and HoB
as their “Last” stand
well I mean
this is the third Last time
this was a game lol
Me saying I was going to try playing differently this game and then getting shot by both the vigilante and the wolves is extremely fitting
You yeeting Sulit, if you were villagers, was probably the worst single yeet in the history of yeets that I have ever seen, in my entire life, in 3 years, on FoL, on MU, and I’ve been a host for 2 of them and played dozens. It is potentially one of the most anti-town actions I’ve laid my eyes on in my entire FM career. It is atrocious, dumbfounding, and inexcusable, and close to the border of gamethrowing. And sullies your entire effort to the game, so that your biggest contribution to the game is one in which you are literally indistinguishable to an outed wolf whose team has been decimated so far. Indeed, if you were villagers, then wolves got extra members, meaning that YOU were responsible for making this game a mafia win. Think about that for a second.
Sulit was voted out?