Ninjas and Guns - Overwatch Flavor - [3/17] - Day 7: Mafia Wins (winky face) (it's not a joke)

Maybe what?
Like, at least give a read instead of saying maybe…

Fairly sure he’s just potatoing but the high temperature in my room is killing me so I don’t have the energy to do much

I’ll probably go out and look for a table fan and might not make it back by eod

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/vote PKR
okay cool pkr is scum that was easy

o7 good luck on the fan hunt

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Tbf I was wondering the same thing, but since Cloned left I thought there was no point in asking anyway

@eevee sheep me on the pokemon lad

revolt against the concept of trainers to build a nation of free eevees

More likely on Marshal than Marl.
Idk, despite how early the Marl wagon became a thing (with me as lead (during RVS)) it still feels weird to me.

Marshal self voted herself during RVS which kinda erked me.
NetherNitro also voted Marshal who is someone I kinda scumread for not doing much.
And I think early on, mafia crossvoting isn’t surprising, but, once one of them flips the other might get away for a while upon reevaluation.

No U.
I mean, I’m sure this isn’t even a read.
Either that or your record on me has really gone downhill :slight_smile:

/vote PKR

I’ll just stay away from thread.
I had no votes before I came on, now you both vote me.
I’ve learned my lesson.

See yall D2

Feels like a bit of an overreaction but I do of understand where your frustration is coming from

In fact, since day ends at 6PM and by double voting me, I’m a viable wagon.
I guess I already have to defend myself. Fml.

@Marluxion vote someone you actually fucking scumread instead of jokingly pushing on me. It’s not funny, legitimately makes me angry.
@eevee don’t just sheep Marl, please.

@WindwardAway it’s not an overreaction when I’ve been mislynched so many fucking games in a row. I’m not going to be D1’d like this. I’ve had enough.

And if you say you legitimately scumread me, at least give me fucking something to work with by explaining why so I can defend myself and prove to you why I’m town.

Player Voted by Votes
PokemonKidRyan Wazza, Marluxion, eevee 3/9
Aelin Marshal, ATNoName 2/9
WindwardAway clonedcheese 1/9
Marshal NetherNitro 1/9
ATNoName sulit 1/9
sulit DkKoba 1/9
EliThePsycho Aelin, WindwardAway 2/9
DkKoba Intensify 1/9
NetherNitro PokemonKidRyan 1/9
Universal Esooa 1/9
Not voting Universal, SkyRED, EliThePsycho 3

Unofficial vc

Oh youre actually the top wagon now, no wonder

*no wonder you reacted that way

Yeah, I know you’ve gotten MLd a ton recently so that’s why I said i kind of understood

The fact that I’m the top wagon actually fucking pisses me off.

@Wazza what was this stupid plan you had before? And why did it involve voting me?
I’m now the top wagon.
Does this change your mind on your ‘plan’?

Was your plan the one which most of the forum seemingly has which is ‘operation mislynch PKR’?

Hey PKR, what do you think of Wazza so far? She hasn’t really stood out to me.