Ninjas and Guns - Overwatch Flavor - [3/17] - Day 7: Mafia Wins (winky face) (it's not a joke)

Nah I’ve seen it happen in reaction tests

Reaction tests are flawed imo
Unless you have very specific ideas of the outcomes and extensive experience with the other person

Because then it becomes “to what degree of variability should I expect”

By unusual response I meant anything more elaborate than a yes or no, or an explanation that wasn’t asked for. Of course it doesn’t always catch scum but like… Imagine I gave a GTH read and then explained it. Why would you explain anything if a gun is being held to your head?

I have very specific ideas of the outcomes

Oh, btw, I’m going back to fluffposting meta because fuck you that’s why

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But I meant other people’s RTs and then wolves did the thing

Oh you’re doing an rt?


Oh ok
I have absolutely no clue what’s going on in thread tbh tbh

I already did my RT earlier and got information, why would I need to do it again? The information is redundant.

I’m aware of what Marluxion sees in it as well.
And I know yours is still more based on secrets than Marls to begin with.

Good to know your thought process tho, thank you.

Domo arigato mister roboto

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Someone asked me once if I learn from my previous games, and yes, I do

Consider that when you’re reading me and whatever the heck you think I’m doing, versus what I’m actually doing.

“you” as in everyone, sorry lol

I subbed out kinda early so I wouldn’t be able to give reliable comparison

I don’t think you subbed out until after I died lol
You saw literally all of my posts


Then I don’t remember

Do you want me to lik
Look back

Nah actually that’s enough of an answer for now, thanks

But yeah I did a crummy RT at the beginning of the game, gathered reads from it, got death tunnelled straight through D1, and got NK’d that night as a PR.