[NK] The Warlock

The Warlock is a Unique “Killer” Neutral class. They must kill all members of the main factions in order to win.
The Warlock is able to swap positions with other players, making him really hard to catch, and can kill players with FIREBLAST!
During the day, the Warlock can read whispers to and from the king.
He can also steal the passive skills of his victims


Assimilation: If you kill a player with a passive skill, you obtain it.(If the player had 2 passives, you can chose one at the start of the next night)

Mage Armor: Immune to death, occupation, and redirection at night. Also immune to poison and bleeding.

Day Abilities:

Concentration: See the contents of all whispers to and from the King. (2 Uses)

Renew: At the end of the night, swap your Assimilation passive with one from your newest victim, if you dont kill anyone, you lose your current Assimilation passive. (Unlimited uses)

Night Abilities:

FIREBLAST!: Cast a fireblast at a players room.
Now, vote what happens next:

  • killing them before they can take any action.(Occupying them)
  • killing them. Does not count as visiting.

0 voters

Dark Rift: Chose a player and swap your number, name and room with them.
Now, vote whats next:

  • (4 uses, also swaps your logs)
  • (3 uses, but the targeted player cant speak/vote the next day)

0 voters

All questions/suggestions are welcome.

Swapped Fatal Bounds with Mage Armor.
Ashes to ashes name changed to Assimilation, small changes.
Buff to Concentration.

i feel like people would just test for a warlock every day by making everyone say something

Sigh, where do I begin?

Ashes to ashes: If you kill a player with a passive skill, you obtain it. (Max. 2)

Pretty damn poor for a NK. By default you’ll need some way to be night immune while also having a defensive mechanism against poison or bleeding. Immunity to occupation is optional, but this will make this class extremely vulnerable to the Unseen or the Cult.

Fatal bounds: Players with the same passive skills can only vote execute.

Would be useless in a majority of cases as very few classes share passives, if they have any at all, so you’ll basically be hoping to kill a double of a class or Royalty for this to take effect.

Concentration: See the contents of all whispers to and from the King. You can not speak after using this skill. (2 Uses)

Looks like a counter to the King meta, but the second part will ultimately cause you to end up getting killed.

Renew: At the end of the night, swap one passive with the one from your newest victim, if you dont kill anyone, you lose your current passives.

You’re basically making stealing passives this NK’s core mechanic when the current NKs start with some of the best passives in the game.

FIREBLAST!: Cast a fireblast at a players room.

The first option is redundant as you’ll already be killing them,

Dark Rift: Chose a player and swap your number, name and room with them.

Basically, a Poss jump but without a death, making it easy for the other player to accuse you the following day.

Overall this suggestion is a piss-poor NK. You don’t have any night nor poison/bleed immunities, nor mechanisms to survive the end game, it’s entire kit revolves in gaining passives which should be a given to any NK from the start, its late-game is non-existant and does not compensate its weak phase, its abilities are stupidly situational to the point that he might not have them, his killing pattern is bland, and finally for one of his night abilities he essentially has a suicide button.

I must accept that Im not fit to make NKS, sice they always look OP to me, and end up handicapping them too much.
Did some changes, hope its more in line with the power of the current NKS.