Noble (Blue Dragon Social)
Passive - Royal Blood - We all know this one.
Passive - Noble Commission You will communicate with your felllow nobles once one of you uses the ‘Convene’ ability. They will show up in chat as ‘Noble’ and you will not know each one’s allignment.
Day - Convene Send a message to every member of the Noble Commission, allowing you to communicate with them anonymously for the next night. - 2 use (May only be used by one noble, shared ability)
Night - Influence of the Commision - (Only usable on nights that the Nobles convene) Vote with your fellow nobles to decide whom you wish to put a scandal against. They will require one less vote to put on trial. - Infinite Uses
Night - Lineage Test - Investigate a player, seeing if they have Royal Blood or not - 2 uses.
Aristocrat (Unseen Social)
Passive - Royal Blood - We all know this one.
Passive - Noble Commission You will communicate with your felllow nobles once one of you uses the ‘Convene’ ability. They will show up in chat as ‘Noble’ and you will not know each one’s allignment.
Day - Convene Send a message to every member of the Noble Commission, allowing you to communicate with them anonymously for the next night. - 2 use (May only be used by one noble, shared ability)
Night - Influence of the Commision - (Only usable on nights that the Nobles convene) Vote with your fellow nobles to decide whom you wish to put a scandal against. They will require one less vote to put on trial. - Infinite Uses
Night - Lineage Alter Target a player, preventing them from stepping up to become King in the following 2 days - 2 uses.
Royal Commission remains a passive if a Noble is converted to an Apostle
If converted then on nights that they communicate Aristocrat/Apostle can see Unseen/Cult chat but can’t post in it, and Unseen cannot see Noble chat.
(If there is one of these in the game there is gaurenteed to be 2 of them)
Please give feedback to the probably worst suggestion of them all!