Non-Apostle Cult converts need buffs

No just me and people I like

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And everyone else a class that instantly loses the game

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And upon purchasing the game all of the personā€™s credit card details will be directly sent to me

Because some of them might

Most != all

I think this is a done deal in regards to it being finished.

Final thoughts:

  • Change identify to just being a probe instead of class check
  • otherwise this is good

So letā€™s not waste our time on ones probably not being added

Any given one of these has a higher than average chance of getting in. So we kinda arenā€™t. The odds of something getting in are just low to begin with and the odds of any 2 things getting in are disproportionately lower and so on

I do think i42 will NOT consider a 3 use class check on a potential starting class.


I do think that was a biproduct of a quicker development process for an update that changes all neuts.

Thatā€™s why it slipped through the cracks

The point is that they totally could consider it. Obviously it was a mistake on alchemist in particular

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cedes point

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Honestly to buff the unseen letā€™s add the following passive

Everyone, except unseen will be immune to death at night EVEN BY THINGS THAT BYPASS THIS. Also if any unseen is attacked they will die bypassing everything.

And then make Unseen able to kill everyone D1?

Buff to memes

Activating SnE or T-Pose d1 instantly kills all players in real life

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nah, make it kill all the unseen D1

define ā€œitā€




used to refer to a thing previously mentioned or easily identified.

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oh thanks. Now I understand