[NSFM] Not Safe Forum Mafia - Prisoners Win

goddamn it. What if its out the airlock


You gain a grasp of their nature without them having the experience as it were to cover themselves up.

B-but thatā€™s 200 messages

What no we donā€™t talk about meta

Three random guys you donā€™t know

Experienced Middle New

thinking 200 messages is anything at all

Iā€™d read the thread.

Buckle up

Excuse me for having to be specific on this one

Now youā€™re changing the question to fit your narrative and make me look like a hypocrite.

Of course without meta new people are bound to make mistakes as scum

But thatā€™s not the question you asked at the start

Heā€™s a player without meta and heā€™s new


Yes but Iā€™m waiting to see if there are people here I can read as scum yet

Iā€™m not you, Firekitten.

And Iā€™m fucking glad Iā€™m not.

Can you both shut up before you both post 40% of the posts here each.

no this is good

Sorry to have 1 IQ higher than both of you, but you are arguing about nonsense that is getting us no-where and saying obvious stuff.

FKā€™s trying to push a narrative onto me that canā€™t exist because Iā€™m not scum

Thatā€™s not how his works

this is legit how the game works

cool so quote the posts that make you think Iā€™m scum

Letā€™s try something different

Iā€™ll do so after my food

This game does not work like that.

The game works on posting actually useful things and not clogging up the chat by splitting up your messages.

Explain what you want to say while Blue gets scum messages but I believe this might be PvP

And if not, it will be PvA and I believe Blue is the Alien

(also I just hypocrited myself)