[NSFM] Not Safe Forum Mafia - Prisoners Win

I want you to reread your argument again and tell me you believe in it fully after you read it

Aliens know their teammates, check the alignment feedback

This derpslip is amazing

Well that disproves your point even further

What if their teammate gets iced? Thatā€™s no good for anything

Aliens know who their partner is, but they canā€™t communicate, whatā€™s your point here?

Yes I do
Otherwise itā€™s either you were attacked or I am scum
But your actions just lead me to believe you are scum, so I go with this

First of all: I am not scum. Second of all: I trust Fk, because they look like a paranoid. Fk was trying to find scum since d1, when he accused Blue, then me, then Wazza and now you two. I teleported you and Fk because I had a feeling Fk is good, since he pushed hard for d1. I thought that if Fk would be evil, he wouldnā€™t push this hard, but he did. You were a target because you were kind of silent + followed the votes, which is a common evil tactic.

Thatā€™s called deepwolfing.

Okay point out my actions

give them to me

I want to see this instead of a wine argument as the wine arugment makss you look crazy ngl

Also ISO squid and tell me what you think of them

Reaper, why donā€™t you answer my questions? >:(

Being honest
I do not see what you meant

In case mark is scum, the signal at the start of the day
The tunneling, hard pressuring
You just want attention out of yourself

Okay then


whatā€™s my actions then

Your question was the fuck I am saying >:(

Itā€™s at the end of the post
But in reading terms
Tunneling to me is enough

And I expected that question to be answered >:(

What is ISO

Thatā€™s it? You are saying Iā€™m scum for tunneling. Whatā€™s the difference between me doing this and scum doing it

isolation of posts

This argument only works assuming your partner could never be iced.

If you donā€™t attack and your partner gets iced, youā€™re up shit creek without a paddle.

So itā€™s actually a trash idea to not attack N1