[NSFM] Not Safe Forum Mafia - Prisoners Win


Also lul doublepinging Celeste

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@Reaper self vote with diginity

I wonā€™t but I also will not do anything else
The moment I die and the game continues who knows if town finally opens the mind


how did the wolves expect to win
wait for the town to self destruct?

Looking at squid ISO they did nothing

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Oof bet that voice thing did nothing

Thatā€™s what I get for trying to be fancy on mobile

did nothing


Works fine on laptop

Thatā€™s strange

everyone I pushed this game has called me scum when I pushed them

what is this


People not understanding where youā€™re coming from with your pushes, most likely

Thatā€™s what it was for me anyway

self vote so the next game can start


personally wasnā€™t actively scumreading you until you started shadethrowing me with the cop claim

also Iā€™m annoyed

my reaction test caught a person wanting Town credit (he admited it himself)

but it caught Town wanting it

see this is still bad
I want you to understand why this was bad blue

this is also wrong

I want you to understand why this post was scummy

Youā€™re still not making any sense

this is me showing you why I was death tunneling you and that your logic was bad


I still donā€™t get how you thought I was pocketing him

Itā€™s not though

You canā€™t just point out seemingly random statements of mine and tell me theyā€™re scummy and expect me to learn from something I cannot see