[NSFM] Not Safe Forum Mafia - Prisoners Win

squid was this and they are dead

I mean blue doesnā€™t need a reason to blacklist you heā€™s doing it anyway if you donā€™t vote regardless of their alignment
I have quote proof

squid canā€™t check themselves

no Im not voting

I play other things too I donā€™t care if im blacklisted


please donā€™t blacklist me im sorry!

please donā€™t do this

no you arenā€™t

falls to the floor and crys

please donā€™t make me miss 1 game!

like seriously dude I donā€™t care

you donā€™t even have proof that is he 100% alien

squid could be prisoner for all we know


Isaac keep digging yourself a bigger grave, you are probably going to be put on a permanent blacklist

for what lol

for not voting someone because they are not 100% alien :ok_hand: nice

Reason:Not fun to play with


Already talked to marl and he agreed soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
