[NSFM] Not Safe Forum Mafia - Prisoners Win

I was hopeful for Squid

no thats not true

When you meme but donā€™t claim scum I think?

I wish it were

Of course it isnā€™t no proof

then I guess maybe

no proof noob

Can I just say how pissed off I am that I got fucked by RNG?

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wait when what

Blue checking me N1 and stuff, that I knew I was fucked

I think things really started to fall apart when Noz took my advice, threw it away, and then claimed NE

like orange let me get a quote

Thatā€™s getting a paper plate btw


Anyways gg in particular to @markneu

Not half bad for a literal first-time player

Iā€™d love to see you join more games, hopefully they donā€™t end this quick


I was planning on trying until I realized that Reaper was acting way too suspicious and that I was going to be red checked

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Yeah again I was wrong

you should always try.

donā€™t they start with someone random

Donā€™t worry you expected people to have 1 iq

Some have none