[NSFM] Not Safe Forum Mafia - Prisoners Win

Openwolfing are we? :wink:

You voted him after he mentioned the fact that you didnā€™t vote him and yet throw shade at him. It sounds more like a disguise to make you look more Townie


Is this an alarm

I think it was moreso I was caught shading let me vote him to look like I scumread him

1 Like

oh we getting somewhere already

Whatā€™s majority I canā€™t count

I shouldnā€™t just observe this, should I? :smiley:

  1. Im pretty sure

Majority is 7.

You think you can get 6 other people to sheep your lame RVS vote or nah?

no plz answer the question

Openwolf harder thx

I would answer that, as I can count
But I donā€™t know what the hell is majority

Rarr rarr wolfy wolf bitey neck juicy ucey yum

I think that everybody is a good guy, until they try to eat me alive, while the powerā€™s off


This isnā€™t RVS

all your posts have been NAI or shadethrowing me and trying to make me look like Iā€™m pocketing someone

I feel so excited

That openwolfing gives you a tasty vote, enjoy
/vote Blue

I donā€™t need to say that it looks like youā€™re trying to pocket the newbie.

mark brought that point up himself without my needing to, right here:

Blue thereā€™s zero way you are townie, might as well claim the neutral as you will never escape today if you donā€™t

as well when did pocketing become asking a question

also serious thought:the new guy is a neutral and NOT a wolf.
