[NSFM] Not Safe Forum Mafia - Prisoners Win

snorts in you’re hilariously wrong

Blue afraid to respond to the last part of my statement

Don’t call me a neutral! I would never even try to desert!

When you only do it to the newbie and not anyone else as well.

Your question wasn’t an open question because you were afraid someone would try and slap it down. It was directed at the newbie to try and get a sheep vote out of them to add more pressure.

So that’s pocketing?

You realize what you are saying no?

asking a question to get a read on a newbie is pocketing

new people are also easier to read

Everyone else can answer it as well

Guys let’s just have an orgy at fk’s cabin

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What’s an orgy?

Gee, tell that to Alice and Blizer in RM2.

That’s because they did it awful

Hey, if you can accuse me of covering up, I can do it too, if you’re gonna do this now.

Are you saying they aren’t? If so who IS

That’s not convering up that’s saying it was a question meant for someone however anyone else can answer it

MaximusPrime, lol

He’s easier to read than The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Not a person

which type of player

New Medium Experienced

Giant sex party

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no thx

That’s not what you said.

And there’s no type of player that’s easy to read because like it or not, we’re not robots waltzing into this where everyone reacts the same.

There’s no such thing as a type of player when everyone has different personalities.

Trap denied :stop_sign::raised_hand: