[NSFM] Not Safe Forum Mafia - Prisoners Win

deserter claim now and we won’t lynch you

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If they don’t claim now we lynch them if they ever claim later

Honestly couldn’t we like help the deserter win if they just outed that way we have more winners

We could, are you neutral?


Also, please don’t take this as shadethrowing, but you look more like a neutral to me :smiley: I think you see a possible threat in Blue and that’s why you’re trying to get him out. You might actually be good, but you might actually be neutral. I think you are good or neutral, but not evil

Why not? The faster this is over, the happier I’ll be.

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If you are neutral and claim it later you are ded you know that right?

u 2 because I aint neutral

tbh just launching the deserter isn’t that horrid as a bad idea this early

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Yeah but that’s like if they only claim today

I’m lynching them any other day.

One time deal

yo FK can you freeze my ass k thx

I’m not that role

thats Marg

Just realized how painful it would be to try to figure out who visited who it I don’t know each person’s role lol

why you do dis to me

this is your reminder i can’t read and my boy won’t leave me alone rn lol

Sorry I thought you were not reading it out of laziness not for fun

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I have decided that I refuse to read anyone’s role and someone’s role won’t prevent me from pushing scum