[NSFM] Not Safe Forum Mafia - Prisoners Win

Actually become the vote person

Why tho? Itā€™s very hard to confirm, since you canā€™t see them visiting people. Communications is a very easy to confirm role. I know Officer is way more useful late game

Communication is a day ability that triggers at night technically I think?

What class is that?

Aka he can still attack

Oh you mean the first class thing.

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The person we are murdering

this guy?


Also, I just looked it up, itā€™s a night ability, if the text is correct

Doesnā€™t that mean I should become Communications so itā€™s easy to confirm?

It says during the day

Nevermind both classes are unconformable.

I guess Iā€™ll become double vote guy because thatā€™s better and Iā€™d probably die straight away anyway.

Sure I will, hang on until I get home

New Strat:Death tunnel everyone I think is scum until I think they are Town then go death tunnel someone else

thatā€™s a better strat

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We canā€™t wait, the more we wait the less time we get in this game.

I canā€™t elaborate on a mobile at a moving bus

We have 300 hours and we quick lynched d1 during the first 8 hours

Ugh, how long?