[NSFM] Not Safe Forum Mafia - Prisoners Win

You would not, you just not attack, get the feedback and point at them when the day starts
Just like you announced to us the feedbacks from last night lol

okay so

blue doesn’t attack
I get the feedback and point

You dont need to know who is going to be iced
You just need to know it when the day starts and point at them

Okay so can’t blue know that I would point at who was iced

I think this game is solved

Right but how is that any different to say me doing this:

“Hey Marg who did you ice last night”

“Oh, I iced X”

“Right, no deaths, X must be the alien”

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It has to do with you knowing the feedbacks. Blue does not.


the feedback means nothing

the icer could point or people could ask

You ignoring this is just making me think you are scum more

And isn’t this a scum strategy?
YES IT IS! Thanks Blue

Yes but I can learn what the feedback was, and Marg would HAVE to give it accurately if the eavesdropper isn’t scum cause they’d be called out

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@Margaret dont protect reaper tonight.
@Mercenary kill reaper

@Wazza take the priest role so we know what reaper was

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Even giving it accurately there is the chance teleporter is also scum and Kitten can fake their actions while he just confirms
So he can just say “yes you iced X but now its on Y”

Yes it’s a scum strategy


Because literally anyone could ask that question

Your argument depends on the misconception that FK and FK alone is able to find out who the cryo iced

Which I’ve already debunked

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they are ignoring your counter argument cause they are scum pushing an agenda

Bish, I can determine what Reaper’s role is, am I chopped liver?

Yeah but you are on a scumteam so no thx

It does not depends on FK alone being able, it is just a matter of him knowing
Just like your example. He knows it, now he can call the person scum. He did it, he just didn’t need to ask.

Blue made a very good point. If I and Fk would be the aliens, why wouldn’t I ask Marg who was iced? I would make the iced person susp and Fk not susp, but back there I asked Blue and not Marg

Am I talking to a rock or something?

reaper is repeatedly ignoring our logic
I think this game is solved

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/vote Reaper

This is a better vote IMO

At least if I somehow end up with a match tonight, a townie wouldn’t be dead