[NSFM] Not Safe Forum Mafia - Prisoners Win


I thought you knew reaper was evil and was toying withme

no I clearly asked for proof

Then whatā€™s this post isaac

you giving no info on why they are scum

asked a real question

then you do this

but your posts sounded like you knew but you didnā€™t want to do it

no thats not true you just assumed then

how would I know that reaper was evil

Because we were talking about it all yesterday and the way you said ā€œreaper is captainā€ when I said to vote them and the way you said you donā€™t know 100% sounded like you were just toying withme

Whatā€™s the memeing post Isaac

Memeing means you are joking right? What were you joking about not voting reaper for.


If you were actually serious about wondering why they were scum you wouldnā€™t be memeing
You were memeing to annoy people

unless thereā€™s another joke I couldnā€™t see? :thinking:

I have evolved to death tunnel outside of the game


at this point I was gonna sheep very hard and just vote reaper

me being retarded

when u said thx captain obvious I said your welcome

dang ur still putting stuff on me

better defend my self

answer the one question and Iā€™m happy

which one

The memeing post

That means you were JOKING about not voting reaper which implies that you werenā€™t actually looking for an explanation and you were toying

wait are you saying that I knew reaper was evil?

this post