[NSFM] Not Safe Forum Mafia - Prisoners Win

like seriously dude I donā€™t care

you donā€™t even have proof that is he 100% alien

squid could be prisoner for all we know


Isaac keep digging yourself a bigger grave, you are probably going to be put on a permanent blacklist

for what lol

for not voting someone because they are not 100% alien :ok_hand: nice

Reason:Not fun to play with


Already talked to marl and he agreed soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


blacklisted for not voting someone

not being fun to play with :slight_smile:

no this all started because I didnā€™t vote reaper

Nah reaper doesnā€™t have to do with it

Everyone doesnā€™t like you and they even told marl so he agreed to it.

he probably will talk to you about it soon

I am against this #NobanforIsaac


okay so vote reaper

I was reading, but since you are here. Tell me why

I mean

Iā€™ll happily try to come to a talk with marl if he did but not sure what happens if he didnā€™t :thinking:

They are confirmed scum via blue check

Ohhh /Vote Reaper

@Isaac_Gonzalez last chance