NUF FM 2 - Spec Chat

One that flips as vt

Tha game is bastard

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EOD is in 70 minutes and there is nothing but 3 vanity wagons on D4.
Also, gorta and Eli have not fulfilled the post requirement.

Correct me if I am wrong, but isnā€™t this what one would call ā€œa shitty situationā€?


is this how this game ends

not with screaming but with silence

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Most likely, yeah.

Replace me in, I definitely wonā€™t cause scum chainlynches and use info from spec chat :^)


Wait did you think that was a serious suggestion?

No, but I still answered it just in case.

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Isnā€™t EoD at 22:35?

Thatā€™s when day started.

Nope. I wasnā€™t present to start D4, but I wonā€™t change the EOD because of it.
(Not that it matters anyway, considering the state of the game.)


Does eevee not get an invite?

Currently asking, but he is still angry I did not extend EOD because he was on vacation (Easter).

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So uhā€¦ no particular response about him wanting to go to Spec Chat at the moment.

so with lol being flipped town reasonable assumptions about the setup mean EVO is a wolf

(village doesnā€™t have this information, just spec chat)


my bet is EVO/Tilgarial/Eli are the remaining evils
if there is 2 remove EVO

we know that there were two packwolves outside the rand on the day when it randed, and that one of them was Aelin

in a 15p thereā€™s pretty much always going to be 3-4 nontown (more likely 4 since there are PRs in this setup) but one of those four is the neut