NUF FM 2 - Spec Chat

Jokes on them there is no uninformed chat

you mean informed?

I know what I said

(yes that’s what I meant)

chuckles in the midst of a cloud of superiority

I thought it was kinda obviously EVO/Tilgarial at this point, but I guess you’d have to read the game for that.

it might be

I haven’t read most of the game

I just realized a problem. What happens if someone actually gets 3 strikes?
If/When that happens, I have to either modkill them or sub them out.
But if I sub them out, would that count as an official replacement?

I’d say sub them out since we have 4 backups, but idk I don’t host.

Not quite related, but since the 20 post minimum is already in the global rules, it doesn’t need to be in the OP

Eh. It may or may not change (into 10, 30, etc.) somewhen in the future.
Better have them double than not at all.

The problem is not the people who will replace the players, but the act of replacement itself.
…I just don’t want them complaining about getting forcibly replaced and then getting signup blacklisted for a couple of weeks/months because of me.

meh I don’t really care about complains. As long as the reason is provided, they can complain all they want

Hm… okay.

Ruining odd/even balance is most likely worse.

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Mmn. Fair enough.

It would count as a replacement for the replacement rules, if they complain about it you can redirect them to the mods

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Hm. Very well. Thank you! o7

Wind is obvtowning today

I suspect Intensify is gambiting to see if scum kills him after he declares that he’s always locking PKR tomorrow

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EVO feels more ‘desperate’ than ‘TMIing’ but I’m not confident in that