The Elementalist
Blue Dragon Offensive
Passive (Magic Book) - Immune to Occupation and Redirection.
Day Ability (Roots) - Make a player use a day ability on you.(2 Uses)
Night Ability (Phoenix of Fire) - Target a player. All players targeting your target will target you instead.(Infinite Uses - Can Not Target The Same Player Two Night In A Row - You are Immune to Attacks and Conversions that you redirect.)
Night Ability (Waterfall) - All players targeting you will target themselves.(1 Use)
Goal: Defeat The Unseen/The Cult and any Neutrals that seek you harm.Converts into:
The Spellcaster
Unseen Offensive
Passive (Magic Book) - Immune to Occupation and Redirection.
Day Ability (Stuck) - Make a player unable to use their day abilities.(2 Uses)
Night Ability (Fire Shield) - Target an Unseen member. All players targeting them will target you instead.(Infinite Uses - Can Not Target The Same Player Two Nights In a Row - You will appear as not suspicious to redirected Investigative classes.)
Night Ability (Water Fountain) - All players targeting you will target themselves.(1 Use)
Goal: Defeat The Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that seek you harm.
The Trickster
Neutral Offensive
Passive (Trickery) - Immune to Occupation and Redirection. Immune to Death at Night.
Passive (Royal Blood) - Can put your name forward for nominations to become the next King.Night Ability (Annoyance) - Make a player target you.(Infinite Uses - If the target is Immune to Redirection , they will target themselves instead.You will NOT be notified if you succeeded or not.)
Night Ability (Sharing is Caring) - Target a player and occupy the target’s target.(Infinite Uses - You will NOT be notified if you succeeded or not.)
Goal: Survive.
The Recruit
Blue Dragon Offensive
Passive (Trained) - Immune to Occupation and Redirection.
Day Ability (Contract) - Contract a player and make them Immune to Occupation and Redirection tonight.(2 Uses - The Target won’t be notified)
Day Ability (Mysterious) - All players visiting you tonight will be occupied.(1 Use)Night Ability (Low Rank) - Revolt at a player’s door. All players visiting your target and your target will target you instead.(Infinite Uses - You will not become Immune to Conversions and Attacks)
Night Ability (Peacemaker) - Select two players. They will target each other.(3 Uses - If one of them gets attacked by the other , you die as well. ~ Bypasses Redirection Immunity)
Goal: Defeat The Unseen/The Cult and any Neutrals that seek you harm.Converts into:
The Chief
Unseen Offensive
Passive (Experienced) - Immune to Occupation and Redirection at night.
Day Ability (Mindful) - Contract a player and . If they visit The Unseen tonight , they will be occupied.(1 Use ~ Does NOT Bypass Night Immunity)
Day Ability (Hidden) - All players visiting you tonight will be occupied.(1 Use - You will learn what type of classes visit you BUT not how many.)Night Ability (The King’s Right Hand) - Revolt at an Unseen member’s doorstep. All players visiting them will target you instead and you will kill one of their visitors.(Infinite Uses - You will kill the highest number that visits your target)
Night Ability (Chaotic) - Select two players. They will target each other.(2 Uses - If one of them gets attacked by the other , both will die. ~ Bypasses Redirection Immunity BUT Does Not Bypass Night Immunity)
Goal: Defeat The Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that seek you harm.