Official Hosting Guide

And now we’re split on my personal favorite category



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I’m figuring out a solution that works there.
Smalltown would go in VFM though.

It’s not Vanilla though

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My brain did a derp and forgot Vanilla wasn’t equivalent to Normal

Unfortunately all those games exist in SFM hell until I come up with a better solution

Actually I can probably make PFM a thing
Premier FM.

That would take the space of smalltown and balanced custom games.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Reviewing games are meant to review for balance as well

Wait I remember I’m hosting community mafia nvm


That one’s for fun

Solid SFM

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Added PFM

I never liked Premier either bleh

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It’s mostly just renamed CFM : P

Like what’s wrong with continuing the general CFM category instead of the one that is supposed to be for highly-tuned unique experiences

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It has a lot of similarities with VFM
That was my problem with figuring out how the reviewing process for one would flow

Ah screw it just making it CFM
I see the lines

Misread your point about CFM earlier not being vanilla

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VFM is less review because it’s all vanilla and therefore only really needs a playercount per faction check

CFM is not vanilla and needs a deeper check, plus the reveiwer probably can’t play unless it’s open and just not vanilla

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Lol ok ty

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I’m going to probably try to hold apps for a Game Manager in the near future

Is that different from a reveiwer or what

Game Managers are reviewers

That’s how it works on other sites also iirc