Official Hosting Guide

Orange what happens when a black hole goes near another black hole

Now where is MY reviewing licence?

Ghost Town


They combine and form a bigger black hole

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Have you ever actually done game review before?

Apply? :thinking:

There were applications?

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Iā€™m not doing it but mustā€™ve forgot lol

yeah all I did was ping solic in the cookie thread

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I mean I have but itā€™s not like I could officially approve anything.

I review specific classes more often but again thatā€™s pretty informal.

The application process would vary from person to person

But expressing interest is obviously a good first step.

So Burrito, are you?

Fair enough

I am very much interested

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Woulda been in January :man_shrugging:

Am happy to say Nukeā€™s probably a good pick of ToL-exclusive people

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Honestly picking apart systems such as a role list is just fun.

Until you canā€™t play in the game :stuck_out_tongue:

Is murdering a bunch of people and checking them off a list also fun?


Even then I still find it fun