[Offsite] Nightless Mime9 Sign-Ups Open

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Game Details

Warning - highly unconventional setup.

Okay so here’s the plan

Mime 1
Mime 2

The Mimes need to ensure they are eliminated in numeric order to win, the Town wins if Mime 2 is eliminated before Mime 1 or if Mimes gain majority. Vaguely similar to “Vote For Town Mafia” except there is a specific brand of TMI/agenda the Mimes will have that would be absent from a VFTM game.

Here’s some math:


Each listed setup was run a million times with completely random eliminations. I have no idea how this will actually skew balance-wise so I aimed for around 30%, as I figure it’s probably easier in practice for the mimes to win than if eliminations were actually random. If you disagree with this assessment, or think a different size would better suit the game, I’m more than happy to discuss changing it.

Players Town Mimes Mime Winrate
5p 3 2 0.150
6p 4 2 0.200
7p 5 2 0.238
7p 4 3 0.057
8p 6 2 0.268
8p 5 3 0.066
9p 7 2 0.291
9p 6 3 0.073
9p 5 4 0.015
10p 8 2 0.311
10p 7 3 0.080
10p 6 4 0.016
11p 9 2 0.328
11p 8 3 0.087
11p 7 4 0.018
11p 6 5 0.003
12p 10 2 0.341
12p 9 3 0.093
12p 8 4 0.019
12p 7 5 0.003
13p 11 2 0.353
13p 10 3 0.097
13p 9 4 0.020
13p 8 5 0.004
13p 7 6 0.001
14p 12 2 0.363
14p 11 3 0.102
14p 10 4 0.022
14p 9 5 0.004
14p 8 6 0.001
15p 13 2 0.372
15p 12 3 0.105
15p 11 4 0.023
15p 10 5 0.004
15p 9 6 0.001
15p 8 7 0.000

Game will have 48-hour phases and start at some point after my finals finish and it has filled. I expect it to be a casual experiment for shits and giggles and will not be offended if you approach it as such in terms of activity.

That forum makes me wonder why we don’t have the “click in” feature.

Because it’s a proprietary thing they developed themselves

451 is actually a really sweet setup, their team has by far the best Discourse implementation for Mafia on the whole internet

This sounds so disgusting of a setup but ive joined anyway lol

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They’re just teamed Jesters

i know

Still need 3 more :slight_smile: